your guide to smile
It is true your smile tells a lot about you. It often reflects your personality, but it also shows your inherited facial and dental structure, any damage you’ve experienced and the care you take of your teeth.
If you are not totally pleased with your smile, modern dentistry has much to offer that can enhance your natural smile. We can analyse your smile and make recommendations that will help you feel more confident and self assured about your appearance. When you feel comfortable with your smile, it can be a wonderful asset that reflects self confidence. If you are not comfortable with your smile, it can affect the way you behave and you may avoid grinning or smiling widely. Some people get used to covering their mouth when they smile or laugh, and almost feel that it’s normal to do so. First impressions do really count, so having a confident smile can assist your social and occupational success.
PT Dental uses the latest technology to assist with smile corrections. We can easily correct common problems such as discoloured teeth, gaps between teeth, missing teeth, overlapping front teeth, poorly shaped front teeth or chipped teeth. Sometimes previous dental work is no longer cosmetically acceptable, so the replacement of old fillings and some simple cosmetic whitening can quickly make a big improvement to your smile.
We think your smile should never detract from your personality but rather enhance your appearance and reflect the real you !
What is your Perfect Smile?
Really YOU are the best judge of your smile. Are you pleased with it ?
Or feel it could be better ? Do you have well thought through ideas about what needs to be done to enhance your smile ? OR you may be vaguely unhappy without knowing how you would make an improvement.
Talking to Paul is the first step. Tell them your concerns and we can diagnose your unique problems, offer you the best solutions and help achieve a smile you can’t wait to show off.
Be realistic about your expectations
It’s hard to escape being bombarded with images of what society sees as perfect bodies and faces. It is important though that we don’t become obsessed with the idea of perfection, after all it would be a boring world if everyone looked identical. Hollywood or “extreme makeover” smiles do come at a cost and are not suited to every person. Remember there are always methods of improving what nature has given us and help enhance a pleasing smile.
So what can be done? Ask your PT Dental team about bonding, porcelain veneers, bleaching or whitening, crownwork, bridgework, orthodontics and implants.
Do you have a question for Dr. Paul Trembath & his team? We are here to help! Please click on the link below to email us today.
CALL TODAY: (07) 3849 2711 | ADDRESS: First Floor, 1407 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt, QLD